There are some important updates before the main article begins. UPDATE 02/29/24 - Well, I ran across another video with the picture below. Turns out the 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses form three Xs, not two. And at the intersection of each one is an earthquake fault zone. Cascadia, off the coast of Oregon, is said to be able to produce magnitude 9 earthquakes "sometime in the next 50 years." New Madrid produced several earthquakes in 1811-12 upwards of 8.2, the strongest ever recorded here. Balcones is a much smaller area but is a fault line nonetheless. So, more "coincidences?" Some say even if the country doesn't experience large earthquakes this year, this could also mean the division or splitting of the country based on social, economic or some other factor. That outcome is easy to see as there is already a split. UPDATE 02/18/24 - Given America's Christian heritage it is no surprise there are many cities named after those in the Bible. For example, Nineveh is the city that the prophet Jonah was told to preach to so that the people would repent and God would not destroy the city. There are many Nineveh's in America and quite a number along the eclipse path. This picture depicts those and some others. Coincidence? UPDATE 02/09/24 - A brother in Christ shared information on the previous Total Solar Eclipses over America. There have only been 8. The April eclipse is number 9. During the times of the previous eclipses, America has been at war. See the picture below for the dates of the earlier eclipses. After April 8th, the next one over America is not until 2044. This article discusses America's eclipse history. Read it here. UPDATE 01/31/24 - I just found out that the entry point for the April eclipse is Eagle Pass, TX which is all in the news because it is a flashpoint for the current border crisis. I doubt seriously that is a coincidence. Eagle Pass is next door to Piedras Negras. Back in 2017, here in the USA, we all heard about the coming "Great American Eclipse" on August 21st. I was a bit leery of the title because America's greatness has been waning for a while and it seemed pretentious to name an eclipse that. However, once I saw articles about its path and duration and the fact that there had not been a similar one since right before World War I, the name took on more meaning. Since the eclipse, there have been lots of articles talking about its significance and many associated "coincidences." Around the same time, the path of the next big eclipse on April 8th 2024 was given. It starts in Mexico then passes over Texas moving northeast to the exit the country from Vermont. The striking picture of the two eclipses forming an X over America felt very ominous to me, still to this day. In recent history, an X on a map meant buried treasure, coming from books and events related to pirates. Some of that meaning is purely fictional but many of us remember "X marks the spot" from Westerns train robbers and pirate movies. In my case, I saw the X more as marking a target for a military strike, or more like God marking America for judgement. Given all that has been taking place since World War II, why would we not expect judgement? Society has fallen away from its Judeo-Christian foundation. Marriages are not as frequent or as sanctified as they have been for hundreds of years. Families went from one parent working to both, leaving child-rearing up to sometimes iffy daycare staff. God and the Bible were removed from K-12 schools around the mid 1960s, which further accelerated societal changes. There are far too many single parents raising children. And far too many lives lost since that infamous ruling back in 1973. Progressiveness invaded colleges and universities starting in the 1950s and look at it now. Some of the stuff we can see in Movies / TV, hear in music, watch on the internet would have been outlawed even 20 years ago. It has been and continues to be a huge downward spiral. And I think we all know it. God certainly knows it. Does not our weather in 2023 and now in January 2024 seem to be a form of judgement? Since when are almost every state in the union under a weather advisory at the same time? For those who take God out of the equation, their only probable cause is "climate change." Which is supposed to be everyone's fault because we burn gasoline and exhale CO2. God simply sees sin as the problem, one that has been around since the dawn of mankind. The solution to this problem is very different depending on if one leaves God in the equation or not. A very short and dangerous time that is well written about is the coming seven (7) year tribulation or "the time of Jacobs trouble." Dozens if not hundreds of movies depict post apocalyptic futures. Only a few are based on the Bible, but, they love to use phrases from it. Thus, the word apocalypse is very popular. How weird is that, given it means revealing. In the movies it is always vast destruction and God is usually left out. Christians obviously believe Jesus is the Messiah and that He will return soon. Jews do not believe that and are still waiting for their messiah to come. Their unbelief is precisely why they will go through this tribulation period. My belief along with many is that the Church of Christ will not go through the same tribulation as it has accepted Jesus as Messiah. Looking at the interval between these two "Great American" eclipses, to me, is another seven year period that serves as both a warning and the beginning of tribulation for America. Below we see the path of the first eclipse on August 21st, 2017. I see that one as interesting in how far it traveled over America. Notice it started in Salem, OR. Salem in the Bible later became Jerusalem. And the eclipse exits via Charleston, SC, which so happens to be my location. Given all that has been happening in America since 2017, couldn't this eclipse have been a sign of the coming division or the Great American Divide? Maybe I read too much into this, but who wouldn't agree that great division has been created in America since 2017. The next eclipse of similar duration is on April 8th of this year. So, it is just four months shy of seven years since the previous "great" eclipse. Here we see its projected path. Is another sign of division portrayed here? When the two eclipses are put together we have this. The intersection of these two eclipses just happens to be an area in Illinois referred to as "Little Egypt." What are the odds of that? See below. It could mean nothing but Exodus chapter 4 references two signs. In Exodus, they were the beginning of miracles that God allowed Moses to perform. Could these two eclipses also be signs for unbelieving Americans? 4:8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe you, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. 4:9 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto your voice, that you shall take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land: and the water which you take out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land. Another interesting fact regarding these two eclipses: where they intersect is also the location of the New Madrid fault line, the location of America's largest earthquake on December 16th, 1811. It was a magnitude 8+ and actually changed the flow of the Mississippi river for a time and was felt all the way to the East coast. They say Church bells were ringing in many cities. Below is a map showing the effects of that "great American earthquake." Another coincidence? If the country experienced another magnitude 8 there or on the West coast or if the Yellowstone caldera blows, it would be a terrible thing. So we have two slashes across America within seven years. Those alone seem somewhat foreboding. Another eclipse happened not long after the Oct 7th massacre in Israel. An annular solar eclipse on Oct 14th was seen over the famous "Four Corners" and several other states. When the three eclipse paths are combined we see this. Taking all three eclipses together something else appears, the Greek letter Aleph, which became an A in the English alphabet. Matter of fact, the word alphabet comes from Alpha/Aleph (1st letter) and Beta/Bet (second letter). Four times in the book of Revelation, Jesus says "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending (or the first and the last). Below we have the Aleph, which looks like the letter formed from the three eclipses and also a Tav which resembles the X from the August and April eclipses. The X is also an early form of what later became the cross, which is very significant. (Notice there are TWO Xs over America, one at Eagle Pass, TX and the other over the New Madrid fault area.) These pictures were taken from this article which goes into more depth on their origins. Suffice it to say, I am seeing and I hope you are also a beginning and an ending in the symbolism of these eclipses. They form a combination from the Greek and the Hebrew alphabets and sure look like a message. Top left below we have the Greek for Alpha and Omega. At top right, we have the Hebrew for Aleph and Tav which is read from right to left. Thus, the three eclipses form the Aleph (A) or Alpha for the beginning. And the first and third eclipses form the Tav (X) or Omega for the ending. Could I be seeing more in this than there is, certainly. Could it be showing the beginning and the ending of America? Possibly. The country was started 400 years ago and its Declaration of Independence was signed almost 248 years ago. All nations and empires have a shelf life, throughout history. Perhaps it is pointing to the fall of the Western nations and the rise of the Eastern ones, which has to happen according to the Bible. Think about the BRICS nations wanting to ditch the petro-dollar in favor of some new digital currency. That will certainly cause economic havoc in America when it happens. In any event, there is no better time to pray for protection and guidance for yourself and your family, no matter what country you live in. Global events are accelerating and the rate of change with them. We Christians believe Jesus is returning very soon. Hallelujah! The ABCs of Salvation
New Slideshow with information about the American Solar eclipses from 2017, 2023 and 2024. CLICK HERE or on the PICTURE Recently, after spending a whole day looking at JavaScript ways to present slideshows on the web, I remembered that Google Slides works very well. Below are links to a series of slideshows on important information regarding the Holy Bible. These will work well on mobile devices in Landscape view and on any size PC display. Many believe the Bible foretells with much precision the time of Jesus return. His first return will be to take true believers from Earth before the worst years of tribulation start. Some believe we are already in the tribulation period. Who can argue that the last few years have been quite unusual and stressful. This one slide slideshow displays the key events before Jesus returns at the Rapture. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW The Rapture of Christian believers is next on the calendar, no other prophecies have to occur before the snatching away of believers. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW ALL recent Archaeological discoveries have verified names, places and events that are described in the Holy Bible. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW A list of 45 Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW The importance of Bible Prophecy in relation to what’s happened and what’s yet to come. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW Some of the many Bible verses that point to Jesus’ Second Coming. How soon will it be? CLICK HERE OR ON THE PIC TO VIEW |
AuthorHas over 30 years experience in Information Technology and, more importantly, 30 plus years as a believer in Jesus Christ. Archives
August 2024