Various principles of christian living
- A spiritual gift is something God gives you to serve Him; talent is different.
- Acquiring wisdom leads to understanding.
- Adversity is inevitable; stress is optional.
- Adversity is what life does to you; stress is what you do to yourself.
- A-fortiori (Latin) -- If God did the greatest while we were unbelievers, then how much more can He do for us now that we are saved?
- Arrogance: Self-justification leads to self-deception (lying to yourself), followed by self-absorption (doing whatever you want regardless of the rules), ending with self destruction (destroying yourself through your bad decisions).
- Arrogant people have unrealistic expectations and unrealistic images of themselves.
- As a Christian, you are never alone.
- As a client nation we are custodians of the Canon of Scripture. We guard it, preach and teach it, and protect it from attacks and those who intend to create doubt.
- As goes your spiritual life, so goes the future of your Nation.
- As long as you are still alive, God has a plan for you.
- As a Christian, at any given moment, you are either serving God or Satan.
- Authority is not always fair, neither is life.
- Bad decisions limit future options.
- Be a crisis personality - prepare to think and lead under pressure.
- Be a spiritual quiet professional.
- Beware of people who seem to know God's will for your life.
- Bible Doctrine in your soul is true wealth, not the assets/money you possess.
- Blessings come, and blessings go, but the Source remains the same.
- Capacity for happiness requires contentment with life's circumstances.
- Christianity is a relationship with God.
- Circumstances in life are your pulpit, use them to glorify God.
- Confess your sins to God the Father, by silent prayer, so the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is allowed to work within you.
- Contentment is sharing the happiness of God and brings capacity for life, love, and happiness.
- Contentment replaces eyes on material things or people.
- Desperate people do desperate things.
- Divine discipline is intended to get your attention and see the need for an attitude adjustment.
- Divine viewpoint produces lasting happiness, a relaxed mental attitude.
- Don't be impetuous and get ahead of the Lord.
- Don't focus on the circumstance or problem, focus on the solution.
- Don't forget the Source when you are in prosperity.
- Don't humanize God.
- Don't let the good things of life take you from the best things of life.
- Don't let the rate of forgetting exceed the rate of learning the Word of God.
- Don't let the physical take precedence over the spiritual.
- Don't speculate, articulate.
- Doubt is the absence of faith.
- Emotions are a great servant, but a vicious master.
- Emphasize your relationship with God, before your relationship with people.
- Evaluate your thoughts and actions in the light of eternity.
- Every Christian is given a time and a standard; redeem the time and live up to the standard.
- Every problem has a solution in the Bible.
- Faith alone, in Christ alone, through Grace alone.
- Faith is spiritual stamina.
- Faithfulness in the little things leads to faithfulness in the big things.
- Fear and the spiritual life are not compatible.
- Fear of dying inhibits living.
- Fear sees the problem; Faith sees the solution.
- Forget the past... press forward.
- God calls us to be witnesses, not lawyers; His Word can defend itself.
- God designed you to think, not emote.
- God gave you two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Success in life depends on which end you use. Heads you win - Tails you lose.
- God gave you volition; you make your own decisions.
- God has a destiny for you; you must pursue it and find it, before you can live it.
- God uses prepared Christians.
- God wants us to be faithful, not flawless.
- God's plan is perfect and God's timing is perfect.
- God's Word, the Bible, is the only absolute source of truth.
- Good decisions are made from a position of strength (wisdom).
- Grace is God doing the work and man receiving what God provides.
- Grace is neither earned nor deserved.
- Grace orientation replaces eyes on people. Keep these three aligned in your life: Witness of God's Word; Witness of Circumstances; and Witness of the Holy Spirit.
- Happiness depends on what is in your soul; happiness is self-contained.
- Happiness does not depend on people or circumstances.
- Have an attitude of gratitude.
- Holding on to the past is a waste of time.
- How do you handle unfair situations? Do you respond with humility or react with arrogance?
- Human solutions are no solutions; Divine solutions are the only solutions.
- Humility is teachability.
- Humility, the lack of arrogance, opens your mind to learning.
- If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.
- If you are not advancing, you are regressing.
- If you can trust God with your life, you can trust Him with the details; have faith.
- If you choose to be lured by the details of life, human viewpoint, you are living like a fool.
- If you do not adjust to the justice of God, the justice of God will adjust to you.
- If you live with emotionalism, your thinking will be faulty.
- In living, you apply Bible doctrine. In dying, you live Bible doctrine.
- It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
- It's never too late to: rebound; reconsider your ways; or relocate for face-to-face teaching under a qualified pastor-teacher.
- It's not about you.
- Jesus Christ controls history.
- Jesus Christ is the key to eternal wealth.
- Jesus Christ will never abandon or forsake you.
- LAG - Learn and Apply the Word of God, Glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Learn to live, don't live to learn.
- Leave your own agenda behind and walk into God's Plan for your life.
- Life is a journey; God's Word is the guide.
- Live each day in the light of eternity.
- Man looks on the outside, God looks on the inside.
- Man's adversities = God's opportunities.
- Mental stability is poise and composure marked by self-assurance and thinking.
- Momentum testing gives you data to assess your spiritual condition.
- Must be motivated to learn in spite of subjective distractions (your own issues) and objective distractions (something outside of yourself).
- Never build your happiness on someone else's unhappiness.
- Never criticize someone in authority, be it pastor, parent, or leader of an organization; respect the position, not necessarily the person.
- Never get in God's way when faced with unfair situations, let God handle it; don't try to vindicate yourself.
- No person, circumstance, or situation is too great for the Plan of God.
- Norms and standards in your soul are designed to protect you.
- Nothing can be added to the work Christ completed on the cross.
- Occupation with Christ replaces eyes on self and circumstances.
- Once you allow yourself to get sucked into a frantic search for happiness, your life will spin out of control; you will be frustrated and miserable.
- Only in time can God demonstrate grace through suffering.
- Patience is a learned character asset.
- Poise is thinking under pressure.
- Prevailing power of persistent prayer.
- Priority or Passion? Do you live by priorities or follow your passions?
- Problem Solving Devices: Rebound; Filling of the Holy Spirit; Faith-Rest Drill; Grace Orientation; Doctrinal Orientation: Personal Sense of Destiny; Personal Love for God; Impersonal Love for Mankind; Sharing the Happiness of God; and Occupation with Christ.
- Production in the Christian life is both visible and invisible; the invisible is often the greatest.
- Promises, the shield of faith, will protect you.
- Protocol means doing a right thing in a right way. A wrong thing done in a wrong way is wrong. A right thing done in a wrong way is wrong. Only a right thing done in a right way is right.
- Recall the doctrine, recite the verse, reap the reward.
- Religion demands that people do good things to please God; religion is steeped in legalism.
- Religion is the devil's ace trump.
- Renovate your thinking through wisdom in your soul.
- Resolve is determination on steroids.
- Respond or React. Responding requires humility; humility forgives and forgets.
- Reacting is arrogance which judges and criticizes.
- Ritual without reality is meaningless.
- Satan can control you through your thoughts and emotions.
- Satan never quits; the cosmic system never rests.
- Solve your problems by learning and applying the Word of God, not by depending on others.
- Speak to the living; bury the dead [focus of a memorial service].
- Speak, write, teach God's Word to your children.
- Spiritual assets/skills are acquired, not inherited.
- Spiritual skills must precede production skills.
- Spiritual values are what hold a nation together.
- Stay focused on God, not circumstances, to stay oriented to His plan for your life.
- Stay off the My Way Highway.
- Store up treasures from the Word of God.
- Studying the Word of God needs to be a daily habit.
- Testing comes at your weaknesses.
- Testing is a means to an end; testing gets you where you need to go.
- Testing is to strengthen your faith.
- The Bible is the light that makes the right path clear.
- The Christian way of life is unique. To understand and live it, you need the unique resources God provides: the Holy Spirit and the Bible.
- The Christian way of life isn't doing, it is thinking.
- The darker the outlook, the more difficult the adversity, the greater the problem, the more He is glorified when we keep trusting Him.
- The decisions you make determine the life you will lead.
- The details of life can't bring happiness.
- The Lord delivers through adversity, not necessarily from adversity.
- The object of faith always has the merit.
- The only way to grow as a Christian is to study, learn, and apply God's Word.
- The real you is what you think, not how you look.
- The same power that sustained Jesus Christ on the cross is the same power the Christian has to sustain the spiritual life.
- The secret to a full and meaningful life starts with authority orientation learned at home.
- The solution to people testing is a function of impersonal love and spiritual self-esteem.
- The Supreme Court of Heaven is open 24/7; let God handle the justice, He has all the facts.
- The Word of God is the Mind of Christ.
- There are no accidents in the Plan of God.
- There is no adversity too great for the Plan of God.
- There is real danger in experimenting with things the world offers.
- Think in an organized way; an organized mind can handle pressure.
- Three checkpoints for knowing the will of God: Where does God want me to be? What does God want me to think? What does God want me to do?
- Timing is patience expressed.
- Tomorrow is not guaranteed; don't waste today. Redeem the time.
- Unhappy people take their unhappiness with them wherever they go.
- Use Scripture. It worked for the Lord Jesus Christ, it will work for you.
- When fear knocks on the door, faith needs to answer.
- When we fall asleep in the arms of the Lord, it is with the assurance that we will awake to a new morning that never ends, to a realization of eternal life.
- When you choose to leave your own agenda behind and walk into God's Plan, you will have the best life imaginable, more contentment and happiness than you ever thought possible.
- When you don't have enough on the inside to equal the pressures from the outside, you will be crushed.
- When you think with divine viewpoint, you do not think the way the world thinks.
- Winners execute, losers emote.
- Wisdom and understanding are the keys to happiness.
- With rebound, positive volition, and application of Bible Doctrine, you can turn suffering for discipline into suffering for blessing.
- Without a sense of God's destiny in your life, you will never find the purpose of why you are here.
- You are a product of your own volition, your decisions.
- You are either going to be born twice, or die twice.
- You are not the victim of your circumstances; you are the victim of your own decisions.
- You are what you think, not what you think you are.
- You can either believe in Christ for eternal life, or reject Him for eternal condemnation - the choice is yours.
- You can have an invisible impact by executing the Plan of God.
- You cannot apply what you do not know.
- You can pass people testing, or you can be a people test.
- You can trust God; can God trust you?
- You can't build your happiness on someone else's unhappiness.
- You can't live the spiritual life in the energy of the flesh.
- You can't lose your salvation; once saved, always saved.
- You defend God's Word not by telling people they are wrong, but by simply giving them the Truth.
- You don't have to tell God your problems, thank Him for the solutions.
- You trust God with your life; trust Him with the details.
- Your choices = your life.
- Your destiny is God's special plan for your life.
- Your most important decision is to accept or reject Jesus Christ as your Savior.
- Your relationship with God must come first in your life.